Petition to Reform the DoDIG System

Join us in our campaign to bring about much-needed reform to the failed experiment which is the Department of Defense’s Inspector General (DoDIG) system. We are requesting supporters complete the below petition which will be sent to the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) in order to incite much-needed change in the dysfunctional Whistleblower Reprisal Investigation system.

Please note that all submissions will be submitted directly to HSGAC; your identity will not be shared with any other parties. We encourage you to share as much information as possible about your experience(s) with the DoDIG system in order to better shape our proposal to Congress.

Why We Are Petitioning Congress

Very few military members retain any faith in the DoDIG Whistleblower Reprisal Investigation system.  Time and time again, they have witnessed what transpired in the DIA case: investigations are delayed, sometimes intentionally, and/or not carried out in good faith, resulting in zero appreciable action at the end of what many would label as “farces” of investigations.    

The spirit of Whistleblower Reprisal law 10 USC 1034 is three-fold: to hold perpetrators accountable, to offer restitution for victims, and, ultimately, deter future acts of reprisal.  The system in its current state accomplishes none of these three aims.  Investigations move glacially and because of the exorbitant time and lack of due process, as seen in the DIA affair, even in the case of a rare substantiation, there is little chance any of the three aforementioned aims are achieved.  In the end, victims are left without recompense, perpetrators not held accountable, and future acts of reprisal are not deterred.  The ultimate second-order effect which we now see: members of the military have completely lost faith in the DoDIG system. 

Want to do more? Write your Congressperson!
Download the template letter here

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